Hand-knitted with love and kindness: Whitegate teacher teams up with her nan to give her entire class warm winter hats

Hand-knitted with love and kindness: Whitegate teacher teams up with her nan to give her entire class warm winter hats

Miss Taylor, Year 5 teacher and English Lead at Whitegate Primary School in Clifton, had an idea 3 months ago to get some help from her “Poppa Nan” and utilise her knitting expertise to create a special gift for her class this winter. She wanted each child to receive a warm winter hat so that everyone can enjoy and embrace the colder winter weather and continue to take their learning outdoors.

The idea started with a Whatsapp message

When she asked her “Poppa Nan” via whatsapp back in September, she simply replied “Not impossible but speak when I am home” and a plan was set into motion from there, Miss Taylor purchased the wool and made the pom poms so that the project could begin.

As the knitting project progressed, Miss Taylor was amazed to see the pile quickly increase to 32 hats (plus one for herself!) and she was so excited to give these to her students. Poppa Nan surprised her by hand stitching individual hearts onto each hat, to remind her and to remind every child just how much they are cared for.

When the children received their hats, they were delighted! Many chose to continue wearing them throughout the particularly cold December day and could be seen playing outside in their warm winter hats. The fun continued when their parents collected them from school and they displayed their hats proudly, explaining that their teacher and her nanny had teamed up to give them an early Christmas gift.

Karen Goodrum, one of the parents of Class 11 at Whitegate Primary School messaged Miss Taylor that evening and said
“Erin hasn’t taken hers off yet, she even sat and ate her tea wearing it!”

Kindness can be simple, and leaves you feeling warm and cosy

Kindness is one of our core, fundamental values that weaves into every day practice at all of our schools. These hats serve as a physical gesture and reminder that kindness can be simple, and can have a huge impact on other people.

It is clear that the children of Class 11 really appreciated this kind gesture from their much-loved teacher and her superstar “Poppa Nan”, who also encouraged her friends to help her knit these wonderful wool hats. Great teamwork Whitegate!

To find out more about Whitegate Primary School, visit their website and follow them on Twitter